Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Three Dimensional

This week my conversation of fashion and architecture will have a little different spin. I am going to take a step back and look at three levels of styling or design. Instead of an in depth comparison of lines, shapes and details, I am going to discuss mainstream, trend-setting and innovative fashion and architecture.
     At the mainstream level, there are very few surprises. If you were looking for any of these pieces you always have a rough idea of where to find them and you can generally count on their availability in many retail locations. As you can see from the above photos, these are much more commercial looks that you would see on the street. In terms of architecture, these designs may include subdivision homes or office/apartment buildings. Although these structures do not necessarily make you stop and stare, they are functional and look good.
     At the trendsetter’s level, there are more unique ideas and styles. These new, forward looks are recognized and often emulating a few months (fashion) or a few years (architecture) later in the mainstream market. Many of these fashion trends are fresh off the runway such as the mixing of patterns and the harem pant shown above. In terms of architecture, trendsetters focus on a trend, such as sustainability; providing direction and ideas for mainstream architects. 
     The innovator is the most rare to come across in both fashion and architecture. These people either buy new products earlier than others (black pants on left) or have a distinct style that often persists over an extended period (jacket, shirt and hair on right).  Innovators rarely go unnoticed. Innovative architecture is being seen globally and it shocks the audience. Recently, we have seen architects flirting with gravity or light, as an element of surprise.

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